Tuesday 15 March 2011

Are You Planning A Panama Tour? If Yes You Need To Think Again!

Panama is not a paradise for tourists anymore. Well, the truth is always bitter to swallow and it is nonetheless a fact that panama is not a safe place for travellers. So, if you have decided upon to visit Panama, then you need to reconsider this decision.

The burgeoning rate of crimes in Panama City testifies to the fact that this country that gained independence from Colombia in the year 1903 is not trouble-free. Street crimes are prevalent in panama and visitors who are vacationing in this country are warned by law enforcement authorities against carrying large amounts of money while visiting specific places while they are out on sightseeing. To add on, armed robberies are regular occurrences in this country and travellers are instructed to adopt necessary precautions even while taking out money from ATM machines.

Kidnapping for money is common in panama and numerous kidnappings reported from several corners of this country on a daily basis has been primarily responsible for the collapse of Panama tourism. People from across the world show enthusiasm for panama vacations as this nation, which is located on the isthmus connecting south and North America, is a storehouse of breathtaking natural beauty but if crime-rate continues to escalate here on a consistent manner, then the mere thought of Panama travel would become a nightmare for tourists in the nearest future. Hence, I suggest you to think twice before moving ahead on your Panama tour.

The prevalence of a range of diseases in Panama also highlights it as a high-risk zone. Tourists on panama tours easily fall prey to diseases such as Malaria prophylaxis, typhoid, hepatitis B, Leptospirosis and several other ailments. Hence, travellers gearing up to enjoy Panama holidays are instructed to opt for inoculation for diseases like typhoid and are also advised to take precautionary measures against attacks by mosquitoes.

So, now you know whether you should opt for a Panama trip or decide against it. Right, guys?

Thursday 17 February 2011



My name is Travis and I am from Boquette, Panama. It is listed by Forbes.com to be one of the best places in the world to retire.
A few months ago 8 men tried to kidnap me. I was fortunate enough to escape them.
I called 911 and the police could not find my house. Later they told me, as an excuse, the police were new and untrained.
Also since last year a retired police captain, Hector Medina, has been stalking me. In July he charged me $1000 for my driver license. When he did not get it for me, I did the best I could and the people at the motor vehicle department helped and it cost me a dollar.
Retired Captain Hector Medina recently wrecked his car and has been intimidating me into giving him $10,000.

I have a brain tumor and he shows no compassion to any one disabled and exploits who ever he can.

It is difficult to determine if the police captain was behind the kidnapping attempt. I am from Panama and had to leave because a corrupt police was consumed with greed. I wanted to warn anybody who is going to retire here.
The police are corrupt, the taxis rude and the people provide poor service to tourists. It rains almost everyday.
There is a two tier pricing system here for tourists. I am Panamanian but not born here. The only people they respect are people who where born here. The rest of us are victims.

Mi nombre es Travis y yo soy de Boquette, Panamá. Que está en la lista de Forbes.com como uno de los mejores lugares en el mundo retirarse.
Hace unos meses, 8 hombres trataron de secuestrar. Tuve la suerte de escapar de ellos.
Llamé al 911 y la policía no pudo encontrar mi casa. Más tarde me dijeron, como excusa, que los policías eran nuevos no capacitados.
También desde el año pasado un capitán retirado de la policía, Héctor Medina, me ha estado acosando. En julio me cobró $ 1000 por mi licencia de conducir. Al no conseguirlo para mí, hice lo mejor que pude me ayudo la gente del departamento de vehículos de motor y me costó un dólar.
El capitán retirado Héctor Medina recientemente chocó su coche me ha estado intimidando para que le de $10,000.
Tengo un tumor cerebral él no muestra compasión. Explota a cualquiera con discapacidad cada vez que puede.
Es difícil determinar si el capitán de la policía estaba detrás del intento de secuestro. Yo soy de Panamá y tuve que abandonar debido a que un policía corrupto fue consumido por la avaricia. Yo quiero advertir a todo aquel que se va a jubilar aquí.
La policía es corrupta, los taxis son rudos y a gente ofrece un mal servicio a los turistas. Llueve casi todos los días.
Hay un sistema de dos niveles de precios para los turistas aquí. Soy panameño, pero no naci aquí. Las únicas personas que respetan son las personas que nacieron aquí. El resto de nosotros somos víctimas.

CNN VIDEO (Spanish):  http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-545662